You have had a rough day at work, but when is a bad day more than just a bad day?

Having an occasional stressful day is normal, but when it turns into the norm, that usually is an indication of a bigger problem.

It may be time to consider getting a new job or even restarting your career with a big change. Here are four signs that it might be time for a career restart and to try something new.

1. The stress from your job is taking a physical toll

Your body will often send you loud and clear physical signals that something is not right at work. That aching in your muscles, restless weekend nights dreading Monday morning, and a headache that creeps in each time you think of work are all telltale signs that your job is not good for you.

Beyond the feeling of holding stress in all over your body, a general sense of doom when it comes to going back to work each morning is a symptom of a bigger issue. It is even possible for those feelings to have an impact on your overall health and well-being. It may be time to decide if staying at your current job is worth a decline in your health.

2. A feeling of apathy takes over your work life

From time to time, you may have a day at work that just feels like you are on autopilot. But if you feel like your daily routine at work is always on autopilot and a feeling of apathy takes over, that is a very different situation. This lack of feeling and connection to the job can be a sign it’s time to move on.

A change in the way you feel about work may happen quickly if triggered by some event at work, like a big layoff, or it can decline at a slower pace if the feel of the office has changed. It may be something as simple as not knowing about job security and expectations and a loss of control.

3. Your Job has Halted your Personal Growth

If you’re reading this article, chances are you have set focused and intentional goals for yourself, both personally and professionally. You have at least a few specific and measurable achievements on your to-tackle list, and you’ve got a timeframe in mind, too. But what happens when your growth stalls, and you get off track?

A job that leaves you bored, unappreciated, and without room for growth can be toxic. It is one thing to start at a low-level job you are not thrilled with that still has room for advancement, but being stuck without hope for growth is harmful.

In some cases, a job may have started out with room to grow, but changes in the office have halted that possibility. If you’re aiming for a spot at the highest level of your company, then the potential for growth, a desire to improve, and hope for future advancement are all important aspects of a healthy work life.

4. Your self-esteem has taken a hit due to work

Most people have worked a job that just paid the bills but nothing more. This can be doable for a certain amount of time unless it affects your overall well-being. Feeling stuck in a job where you are mistreated or simply not valued can cause your self-esteem to plummet. A job that causes you to be that unhappy and unsettled is not a good fit. A feeling of pride and competency is important for your long-term success at a job.

If you’re ready for a new career because you’re unhappy in your current role, take some time to explore your options so you don’t find yourself stuck in a rut again a few months down the road. Do you want to work under your own rules and be your own boss? Consider starting your own business. Would you be more fulfilled by using your expertise to lead others to success? You might be destined to run a consulting business. Find a way to follow your passion, and your career restart will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.

About the Author: Gloria Martinez started to celebrate the advancements women have made and inspire women to become entrepreneurs and seek promotions in the workplace.

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Photo credit: Pixabay

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